Many of our customers may be familiar with our wholesale packaged cosmetics offered in a standard black packaging, but did you know that we have a platinum option as well? We are spreading the word about this beautifully crafted alternative so that our wholesalers can take full advantage and make the best decisions to fit their business needs!
Our luxury Platinum Packaging is more refined than our black and is oriented towards a salon, spa, or boutique setting. The silver window tops and clear jar bases create a clean, elegant look that is unbeatable. Each product comes with an ingredient label on the bottom of the jar so that you can simply add your logo to the top and they are ready to sell! Instead of using white ingredient labels for the foundations, as we do in the black packaging, we have converted them to a transparent finish with black typed lettering for a more professional presentation. The foundation color names on the labels have also been changed to an abbreviation such as “As” (instead of Ashlie) so that your shade names can be tailored towards the theme of your business. This also ensures that labels and names shown on the packaging are unique to your color line alone.
The platinum packaging allows you to utilize all of the benefits of our packaged wholesale cosmetics without compromising on style and class!